by Mary Kendall Dixon | Nov 16, 2018 | The ByLine, Travel, What I Learned
By Jennifer Carrico When someone from the United States thinks about what the beef feeding industry looks like, we think of large feedyards in the Midwest and High Plains area of our country, but when you take a look at the beef industry in the Netherlands, it’s a...
by Mary Kendall Dixon | Nov 8, 2018 | The ByLine, Travel, What I Learned
By Carey Brown Nestled in the beautiful countryside of the Netherlands, sit many different farming operations. They vary across the country and it is notable to see how such a small country can provide so many different products in so many different ways. During the...
by Mary Kendall Dixon | Oct 18, 2018 | The ByLine, Travel
By Harlen Persinger, 2018 IFAJ Stipend Recipient Husband and wife, Arjan and Karina Schermer, have been operating Brandrood — their cheese farm on the picturesque rural estate “Kernhem” in Ede, the Netherlands —since October 2016. They had been toying with the...
by Mary Kendall Dixon | Oct 5, 2018 | The ByLine, Travel, What I Learned
By Gregg Hillyer I hear the alarm, but it seems miles away as I try to clear my mind from its deep slumber. My hand fumbles for the iPhone resting on the night stand to silence the annoying chimes piercing the lightless room. It’s 4 a.m. and not even the roosters are...
by Mary Kendall Dixon | Sep 20, 2018 | The ByLine, Travel, What I Learned
By Greg Lamp, 2018 IFAJ stipend recipient By all accounts, Makandra is a small farm, really small. Yet every day as many as 25 workers, called clients, show up to hand tend 10 acres on the estate located on the outskirts of Ede, a municipality in central Netherlands...
by Mary Kendall Dixon | Sep 6, 2018 | The ByLine, Travel, What I Learned
By Kenna Rathai, IFAJ 2018 stipend recipient and IFAJ 2019 program committee chair Hello, bonjour, hej, goededag, terve, guten tag, gamarjoba, dia dhuit, ciao, konnichiwa, salut, privet, pozdrafljeni, habari, Sali, vitayu! Many of this year’s AAEA: Ag Communicators...