By: David Ekstrom, AAEA Member
As many of us are traveling on photography or video trips, we often come across situations where we think to ourselves, “it would be nice to have that”. Here are five items that are in my gear bag on the road.
Dependable Portable Hard Drive
Backing up photos or videos is extremely important. Sure, there are some things that can be shot again, but who wants to spend the time and money to do that? It’s a good idea to back up the files after a trip even though you may be exhausted. Even if you don’t have time to log the files, you can have peace of mind knowing your files are safe.

Small Notebook
A notebook is a great tool for a plethora of tasks. When it comes to interviews and shooting photos/b-roll, if you’re able to record a “shot list” this will make your job more efficient later in the shoot. You can also use a “notes” app on your phone if you prefer a digital method.
Quality Multi-Tool
This is one of those tools that fall under, “it’s better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it”. Whether you need to adjust a screw on a tripod or make an adjustment on another piece of gear, a multi-tool is indispensable. Although, make sure it’s not in your carry-on when going through airport security.
Gaffer Tape
Another tool that’s incredibly useful when you need it is gaffer tape. This tape proves more valuable each time you use it. Some uses are taping down cords from lights, helping to hide a microphone wire, or marking places on the ground for people to stand. Bottom line: buy some gaff tape.

Quality Bag
To hold all of these “Top 5 Tools” a quality bag is essential. There are many different types on the market from shoulder bags to backpacks. Find a style that works for you, and don’t be afraid to spend a little extra on one. ThinkTank, LowePro, and Nomatic are great brands that make quality bags for different situations.

David Ekstrom is a senior producer and works in custom solutions with Successful Farming Magazine.