By Elaine Shein, IFAJ/International Committee Chair

Don’t miss your chance!
Apply by February 7, 2020 (by 23h59 GMT)
Applications are soon closing for the 2020 IFAJ/Alltech Young Leaders Award. If you are an individual who wants to be considered as your guild’s nominee, don’t delay! Each of IFAJ’s member guilds may submit one nominee for the prestigious award, which recognizes outstanding young journalists who demonstrate great potential to become leaders in the agricultural journalism industry. Guild nominees are due by February 21, 2020.
The IFAJ/Alltech Young Leader Program recognizes young agricultural journalists (age 35 or younger as of December 31, 2019) who demonstrate excellence in our profession as well as outstanding leadership potential. This is more than a prestigious global award—it is also an invitation to participate in the upcoming IFAJ Congress as well as in a special Boot Camp, a program that combines leadership training, network development and story-gathering in the field in the days prior to Congress.
Applicants selected for the Young Leaders program will be invited to Vingsted, Denmark for the program, which will be held from June 21-23, 2020, and will be registered for the IFAJ Congress that follows.
For more information and rules see: and for application go to