By Samantha Kilgore and Mary Kendall Dixon, AAEA Staff Team

Reading more in 2020? Here are our favorites so far:
Did you set a goal to read (or listen to) more books in 2020? From our office at AAEA, here are some top reads on leadership and personal growth to get you off to a great start in 2020.
- Leaders Eat Last, by Simon Sinek – Written by bestselling author Simon Sinek, this book dives into the biology and the psychology of why some companies succeed, and why others lack trust and motivation. Sinek using examples from the Marine Corp all the way to Goldman Sachs. This book has a great many takeaways to plug into your team and company culture!
- Atomic Habits, by James Clear – A practical tool that combines psychological theory with first-hand research on habits, this book by James Clear is a great resource for initiating change in your work or personal life. By focusing on moving the needle just 1 percent toward your goals, Clear lays out some guidelines to start small, be consistent, and be patient for the breakthrough that disciplined habits can create.
- John Adams, by David McCullough – David McCullough’s Pulitzer Prize winning biography on our second president, John Adams, takes you on the journey of this outspoken and patriotic New England farmer who worked tirelessly for independence. Walk with him through the ups and downs of his life, becoming president, burying a son and his friendship with Thomas Jefferson, sometimes close friends, sometimes enemies. As you finish this book, McCullough will make you will feel as if you are saying goodbye to a dear friend.
What are you reading? Email us at [email protected]!