By Mary Kendall Dixon, AAEA Membership Coordinator

New year, new you- or maybe just new things to read and listen to. I am always on the hunt for new books to read and podcasts to listen to and after a quick loop around the office asking team members for their suggestions, I found three books and podcasts for you to bring into 2021 with you.
At the Table podcast:
The At the Table podcast is hosted by long-time professional development and leadership coach, Patrick Lencioni. Pat at his team discuss topics ranging from common office misconceptions and hard conversations to personality profiles and leadership methods. This podcast is relevant to the hourly office worker all the way to the CEO and everyone in between. Pat’s message leaves listeners with humble, practical takeaways that anyone can implement. This lively and relevant show makes you look forward to work and the opportunities for growth both personally and professionally.
The Disney Way by Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson
“Dream, Believe, Dare, Do . . .” Walt Disney’s business philosophy laid the foundation to make the Disney brand what it is today. The Disney Way takes an in-depth look at Disney’s philosophy on how to treat employees and customers, excuse me- cast members and guests, and will show you how you and your team can reach your highest potential by creating a customer-focused mindset and attitude.
Sean of the South column and podcast:
Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South, is a columnist, humorist and author who perfectly captures the culture and heritage of the South and leaves you wishing for the days when things were simpler. The Sean of the South column has made me laugh out loud, probably to the annoyance of my coworkers, cry and have a sudden craving for pound cake. This is the most unique podcast I have come across with each episode making me feel like I am listening to a late-night-oldies show. If you love good food, The Andy Griffith Show, dogs or just need some good life advice add Sean of the South to your reading and listening rotation.