Where did you go to college?

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Where do you work and how long have you worked there?
I am a chief communicator at Colleen Callahan Consultancy. While Colleen leads the Department of Natural Resources for the state of Illinois and steps back from the consultancy, DeAnna Thomas and I carry the baton and relaunched C3 on July 1, 2020. We provide communication and leadership coaching in addition to consulting and management services in journalism, marketing, communications, and public relations.
Why did you pursue a career in ag communications?
I stumbled upon agriculture communications on a campus visit to the University of Illinois. My dad encouraged me to major in ag comm because I had the “gift of gab” and I enjoyed my time participating in public speaking in FFA and 4-H. Each year throughout college, I immersed myself in the degree and broadened my network through conferences and internships. Networking is how I discovered my “why.” I’m passionate about sharing stories from Rural America whether that be through photo, video, or audio. I truly believe in the power of storytelling and how it can build connection and empower change.
What is your favorite aspect of your job?
I may sound like a broken record, but the stories I hear and share are my favorite aspect of my job in ag comm. Each story is unique and individualized and keep me inspired in my own career.
What’s one piece of career advice you wish someone had given you?
Your career path will not be linear – it will take unexpected twists and turns. This is what builds your career and prepares you for your ultimate purpose.
Connect with Kelsey:
Email – [email protected]
LinkedIn – @kelseylitchfield