It’s Time to Renew Your ACN Membership!
By Jessie Bland, Membership Co-Chair
‘Tis the season for membership renewals!
As we all take a breather between the business of harvest and the upcoming holiday schedule, let’s also take a moment to renew our ACN membership. It’s one of the few tasks we can check off our list and not have to worry about it for another year. ACN, as an organization, has continued to look for ways to add value to membership. If you’ve been on the fence about renewing and looking for the benefit, consider a few of the member perks:
- discounts to stock photos,
- the membership mobile app,
- The Byline and ACN Podcast,
- Ag Media Summit,
- a job bank,
- webinars and more!
If you have other ideas on how we could add value to our membership, please stick around and share those. The Membership Committee is always open to fresh ideas on how we can recruit and retain members.
Renewing is quick and easy. To determine if you still fit your member category, click here to view each category description. You can complete the online renewal form or download the printable membership application to mail in. You may even have received a renewal invoice in your email you can print and mail with payment. From now until the end of the year, editorial, associate, and partner members can use the code EARLYBIRD and receive $25 off your renewal. Easy savings!
ACN values your contribution to our community and cannot be successful without you. We hope you will renew today! –Bland is manager of promotions and marketing at the Georgia Peanut Commission.