By Kelsey Litchfield, Podcast Host

I’ve only known Shay for a couple years, but I can tell you he’s a fantastic communicator. He gets it! Shay knows his target audience, has a purpose and vision for telling his story and provides value to many through the content creation of podcasting, photos and writing.
Did I mention he has a degree in agronomy from Iowa State, served in the U.S. Army, and works as a seed salesman and consultant? His insight into communication is so valuable and I knew he needed to be on the podcast to share his perspective.
In today’s episode, Shay shares how to be an effective communicator, why you should be more active on LinkedIn, how there’s no market saturation for telling your story, and so much more!
You can follow Shay on LinkedIn and listen to his podcast – Ag View Pitch. Thanks to Shay for being my final guest on the podcast as host. He really puts the cherry on top for what I want to communicate and that’s for people to know that everyone is a communicator – regardless if you have a degree in it or not.
Thanks again to all the listeners who have tuned into the podcast since its beginning and to the guests who have given their time and wisdom to our audience. Special thanks to AAEA for publishing the podcast to its membership. I strongly recommend renewing your membership for 2020!