by AgCommNetwork | Nov 10, 2023 | AAEA News, Member Resources, News, The ByLine
Radical Generosity By Julie Deering, PIF Chair When you think about “radical generosity,” do you think of yourself? Or do you wish you had the revenue streams to be radically generous, allowing you to give thousands of dollars to charities and organizations that...
by AgCommNetwork | Nov 10, 2023 | AAEA News, Member Resources, News, The ByLine
It’s Time to Renew Your ACN Membership! By Jessie Bland, Membership Co-Chair ‘Tis the season for membership renewals! As we all take a breather between the business of harvest and the upcoming holiday schedule, let’s also take a moment to renew our ACN membership....
by Ashlyn Rochester | Aug 3, 2023 | AAEA News, News
By: Samantha Kilgore, Executive Director The Ag Communicators Network and its Professional Improvement Foundation elected new leaders at annual business meetings this week at the Ag Media Summit in Palm Springs, California. For ACN, board members direct critical...
by Ashlyn Rochester | Apr 19, 2023 | News, Podcast, The ByLine, Uncategorized
Improve The Podcast with Your Feedback! By Ashlyn Rochester, Communications Specialist We’re always seeking to improve our content and provide the highest quality resources for our members. It’s why we’re seeking your input! Provide your feedback on...
by Ashlyn Rochester | Apr 5, 2023 | AAEA News, Member Resources, News, Student News, The ByLine, Uncategorized
Meet Our Student Members! By Ashlyn Rochester, ACN Communications Specialist Thanks to the generous Filament sponsorship, 50 students can have a free membership to ACN this year! This partnership with ACN allows student members to receive discounts to Ag Media Summit,...
by Ashlyn Rochester | Apr 4, 2023 | AAEA News, Awards, News, The ByLine, Uncategorized
ACN Members Named as Finalists for Two Jesse H. Neal Awards By Ashlyn Rochester, ACN Communications Specialist ACN members and Farm Progress podcast creators of “Around Farm Progress” was named a finalist for two Jesse H. Neal Awards for producing...