by AgCommNetwork | Oct 13, 2023 | AAEA News, The ByLine
October Committee Updates Professional Improvement Foundation (PIF) PIF is a member-directed non-profit entity that provides funding and direction for a number of programs and activities that benefit ACN members. Each year, PIF generates about $40,000 from dues and...
by AgCommNetwork | Sep 8, 2023 | AAEA News, Ag Media Summit, Past President's Thoughts, What I Learned
It’s all a Blur By Bill Spiegel, Past President and ACN Board Member In the time since this group convened in Palm Springs, California, for the annual Ag Media Summit, I’ve been doing some thinking. Number one, my year as President seemed to have gone by in a...
by AgCommNetwork | Sep 8, 2023 | AAEA News
September Association & Committee News Membership As of July 27, ACN has 313 active paid members, including 94 Editorial, 83 Associate, 35 Student, 31 Partner, 25 Associate – Freelance and 31 Partner members. In 2022, the association had 346 paid members. The...
by AgCommNetwork | Sep 8, 2023 | Ag Media Summit, Events, Professional Development, What I Learned
Ag Media Summit Nuggets By Kenna Rathai, VP|Group PR Director, broadhead, and ACN Board Member nugget [nuhg-it] anything of great value, significance or the like: nuggets of wisdom I always try to get at least one take-home nugget from any professional development...
by AgCommNetwork | Sep 8, 2023 | Ag Media Summit, Awards, Events, Professional Development, What I Learned
How To Become Next Year’s Communicator of the Year By Jamie Cole, Red Barn Media Group Want to know how to become 2024’s next Communicator of the Year? We asked this year’s winner, Jamie Cole of Red Barn Media, what his secret is, how he won the award this year,...