By Jim Patrico

You may remember that you were promised a book to commemorate AAEA’s 100 Anniversary. Well, it’s on its way (or you might even get it before this appears in the ByLine). Like so many things this past year, the book was delayed by the pandemic.
The original idea was to distribute books at AMS in July as part of the anniversary celebration. So, art director Donovan Harris and I had the book written, laid out and ready to go to the printer in May. You know what happened to AMS. So, we decided to delay printing.
Come November’s planned AMS, you know what happened again. We sent the book to the printer in September anyway with the idea of distributing books through the mail rather than in person.
Guess what? The printer was shorthanded because of COVID, and the printing was delayed yet again.
At long last, the good folks at ASG have the books and are working to deliver them as soon as possible. It’s a huge task, and we thank them for undertaking it.
We hope you like “A Century of Farm Photos.”