As Seen Through the Eyes of Photographer Jess Johnson
By Jess Johnson, AAEA Member, Photographer and Freelancer
In late 2019, I began building my photography business. I had little direction, I only knew I loved taking pictures and making people smile, so I worked to perfect my skills with any opportunity that was presented.
As time passed, my love for agriculture naturally led me to sharpen my photography focus in that direction. I’ve grown especially passionate about capturing organic moments that might otherwise go unnoticed.
For those of us who immerse ourselves in farming and ranching, it is sometimes easy to forget how blessed we are to share this unique lifestyle with our children. There is no need to explain how things are built or why things grow, our children witness that occurring every day. Talking about the “birds and bees” doesn’t have to be an awkward or an uncomfortable conversation, just take your kids to the breeding shed, involve them in A.I. work and include them during calving or foaling.
Farm and ranch life provide a natural classroom for teaching our children invaluable lessons. I hope these photos encourage you to take pause and recognize the unique gifts and opportunities that agriculture provides our children on a daily basis.
In addition to owning Rainy Butte photography, Jess Johnson, her husband and three girls raise racing quarter horses on a ranch in New England, North Dakota. Jess also freelances with Speedhorse magazine.