By Christy Lee, Nominating Committee Chair

It goes without saying, 2020 has been a year for the books in many ways. But, thanks to the leadership of an incredible AAEA – Agricultural Communicators Network board of directors, the association has moved forward and continues to thrive.
In order to maintain that forward motion, we are currently seeking nominations to fill several positions that will be open in July, as current members’ terms expire.
If you, or someone you know, would like to serve on the AAEA board of directors, nominations will be accepted through May 22. Five spots need to be filled for the 2020-2021 year: 1 president elect, 2 editorial or associate directors-at-large and 2 partner directors-at-large members.
Board members whose terms expire include Bill Spiegel, David Ekstrom, Josh Flint, Pam Caraway, (directors-at-large) and Christy Lee (past president).
All nominees will be sent to the Nominating Committee for review and further discussion. The Nominating Committee is charged with ensuring the integrity of the board, representing diversity in terms of geography, publication or media distribution and area of expertise.
Board members typically meet three times a year – spring, fall, and at Ag Media Summit. At least one of these meetings are in person, while others are virtual. Board members are also encouraged to financially support the AAEA Professional Improvement Foundation and help chair other committees.
The members of this board help steer the ship of the organization. AAEA board members innovate new programs and bring new thoughts to the table, and at the same time preserve the mission of professional development and improvement for members of the ag media industry.
How do I nominate someone or myself? Just send an email to Samantha Kilgore at [email protected] with the subject line “Board Nomination.” In the body of the email, please include the name of the individual you are nominating and a few sentences on why you think this individual would be a great addition to the board.
The Nominating Committee is a standing committee, comprised of four members (three individuals plus the immediate past president). Serving this year are Gregg Hillyer of Progressive Farmer, Kelly Schwalbe of Sage Communications, Jennifer Kiel of Michigan Farmer and Ohio Farmer, and Christy Lee of Cee Lee Communications.
“We are looking for members who are passionate about AAEA and the ag communications industry,” says Gregg Hillyer, Progressive Farmer Editor In Chief. “Serving on the board is a wonderful opportunity to work together with other members to help chart the future of the organization.”