Where did you go to college?
I went to Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Arizona State University and The Media School at Indiana University.
What is your job title and how long have you worked there?
I am the Director of Content for Fastline Media Group and the host of Fastline Fast Track radio show, podcast and livestream.
Why did you pursue a career in ag communications?
I was recruited to ag communications by a former coworker after spending nearly 25 years in sports, business and religious journalism, broadcasting and public relations.
What is your favorite aspect of your job?
. My favorite aspect of the job is constantly learning and telling the stories of the people who make the agriculture industry go, and educating the general public on the importance of agriculture.
What’s one piece of career advice you wish someone had given you?
One piece of advice that has served me well is, always keep striving to get better, and never rest on your laurels. At any juncture in your career you can continue to learn, grow and improve.
Connect with Brent by email, [email protected], or on LinkedIn.