By Jim Patrico, AAEA100 Committee

A book celebrating the 100th birthday of AAEA is nearing completion. The committee has finished chapters that chronicle the organization’s history since its founding in 1920. We are now working on the 1990s. Advance reviews have been excellent.
The book focuses on photography: How AAEA publications and editors have used photos to tell agriculture’s compelling story over the last century. Contents will be heavy on photos and layouts pulled from the archives of AAEA publications.
It was challenging to get material from the first few decades, but we’ve collected some great images. We hope the next three decades–the 1990s, the 2000s and the 2010s—will be easier pickings.
This is where you come in.
We want a few of your favorite images and layouts from the most recent decades. We’re also interested in screen shots that show how you use photos online. High res jpegs would be easiest for us to handle. Deadline for submissions is October 31, 2019. After that, entry to the history book will close.
Please send submissions and questions to Jim Patrico at [email protected].