By Julie Deering, Nominating Committee Member
As spring has arrived and farmers are making final preparations before lowering their planters to the ground with the promise of a new crop, AAEA’s board seeks a new crop of volunteers.
If you, or someone you know, would like to serve on the AAEA board of directors, nominations will be accepted through May 24. Three spots need to be filled for the 2019-20 year. These include two directors at-large and a vice president.
Board members whose terms will expire are Mindy Ward (editorial director at large), Jennifer Kiel (editorial director at large) and Julie Deering (past president).
All nominees will be sent to the Nominating Committee for review and further discussion. The Nominating Committee is charged with ensuring the integrity of the board, representing diversity in terms of geography, publication or media distribution and area of expertise.
The nomination process is easy. Just send an email to Samantha Kilgore at [email protected] with the subject line “Board Nomination.” In the body of the email, please include the name of the individual you are nominating and a few sentences on why you think this individual would be a great addition to the board.
“Our goal is to ensure the board composition is representative of the membership, and that the people serving hold the values of the association at heart,” says Gregg Hillyer of DTN/Progressive Farmer, who serves on the Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Committee is a new standing committee, comprised of four members (three individuals plus the immediate past president). Serving this year are Hillyer (three-year term), Kelly Schwalbe of Sage Communications (two-year term), Holly Spangler of Farm Progress (one-year term) and Julie Deering of Seed World Media. In the future, committee members will serve a three-year term.