Take a moment to look at our committees for the new year! Contact these members if you have any questions or ideas to share.
Committee Chairs are as follows:
Advisory- Christy Couch Lee
Financial- Christy Couch Lee
Nominating- Julie Deering
Affiliate Advisory- Pam Molitor
AMS Steering- Molly Mader-Schoen
AMS Program- Barb Anderson
AMS InfoExpo- Lon Tonneson
Awards- Jim Patrico, Faith Smith
Photography Awards- David Ekstrom
Design Awards- Matt Strelecki, Amy Gohman
MarComm Awards- Pam Caraway
Writing Awards- Jamie Cole
Digital & Social Media Awards- Josh Flint
Future Ag Communicators- Laurie Bedord
International- Kurt Lawton
Legacy- Larry Dreiling
Member Services- JoAnn Alumbaugh
Communications/ByLine- Holly Spangler
Ethics- Greg Horstmeier
Membership- Amy Roady
Sponsorship- Jessie Scott
For a full list of committee members, visit https://y7j.6d7.myftpupload.com/committees/.