By Jessie Scott, Meredith Corporation


In addition to the farm tours, professional development sessions, and networking opportunities, a key part of Ag Media Summit (AMS) is the InfoExpo trade show. Whether you’re heading to AMS for the first time or it’s your 20th, here are five ways to make the most of InfoExpo:

  1. Build relationships

That’s what AMS is all about! Take the time during InfoExpo to check in with the companies that you cover. Learn who the best contact is to get information on deadline, where you can go to get high-res images, what events the company is planning for the next year, and what trends their experts are hearing from the field. This is the time to build the connections that will make reporting easier and more effective all year long.

  1. Make new friends

One of the great parts of AMS is the chance to catch up with old friends, but if you just do that, you’re missing out on new opportunities. During InfoExpo, make a point to meet a new person during each InfoExpo session.

  1. Step outside your beat

Often as editors, we get funneled into only covering our subject area. At InfoExpo, you have the time to learn about other aspects of the industry. If you’re an agronomy editor, swing by to say hi to your friends at Syngenta and then stop by John Deere to see what’s new in the equipment world. You’ll meet new folks in the industry and might pick up a story idea or two.

  1. Win big

You know what they say, you can’t win if you don’t play. Exhibitors at InfoExpo give away everything from pens (every journalist needs more pens!), t-shirts, gift cards, iPads, and more. You might have to take a goofy photo or play a game, but it’s all part of the fun bonding experience of AMS.

  1. Say thank you

AMS is only possible thanks to the generous support of our sponsors and InfoExpo exhibitors. Let the companies know how much you value this opportunity and their support.