by Mary Kendall Dixon | Sep 14, 2018 | Podcast, The ByLine
By Kelsey Litchfield, Host of the Ag Comm Network Podcast Think back to when you first joined Facebook or maybe another social media channel. Back in 2009, I begged for my mother to allow me to have a Facebook page as no one was on MySpace anymore. All the cool kids...
by Mary Kendall Dixon | Sep 7, 2018 | News, The ByLine
By Christy Couch Lee, AAEA President Throughout my 19-year career in the agricultural communications industry, I have witnessed many mentors for whom I have the utmost respect in the role of AAEA president. Now, to be stepping into this role, myself? Well, it’s a bit...
by Mary Kendall Dixon | Sep 7, 2018 | News, The ByLine
At the 2018 Annual Business Meeting of AAEA- The Ag Communicators Network, you- the membership, voted to implement new membership categories. After more than 10 months of listening and inviting your feedback, we feel certain this is a positive change for the...
by Mary Kendall Dixon | Sep 6, 2018 | Ag Media Summit, The ByLine
By Leo Nieter, AMS First-Time Attendee Stipend Recipient I am grateful to have received a stipend to help attend the 2018 Ag Media Summit in Phoenix as a first-time attendee. My experiences throughout the week were inspiring, encouraging, educational, and rewarding in...
by Mary Kendall Dixon | Sep 6, 2018 | The ByLine, Travel, What I Learned
By Kenna Rathai, IFAJ 2018 stipend recipient and IFAJ 2019 program committee chair Hello, bonjour, hej, goededag, terve, guten tag, gamarjoba, dia dhuit, ciao, konnichiwa, salut, privet, pozdrafljeni, habari, Sali, vitayu! Many of this year’s AAEA: Ag Communicators...